Sunday, 28 April 2013

What is really ruining the institution of Marriage?

It's happening in different places all over the world now, you wake up one morning and log in to your computer to find that somewhere it has happened again. It's not just irksome, you fume and bubble over with rage and ball your fists muttering 'when will this nightmare end'? This cheapening of the sanctimony of marriage is an insult. It is a slap in the face to all those who have made a life long public commitment to eachother. This insidious group has been infiltrating our society and flying under the radar for too long now, it's time we confronted their vileness. You all know what I'm talking about...yes...facebook marriages! 

It used to be that two teenagers would just 'go out' with eachother, or in more standardised American terms they would 'date' or 'go steady'. Nowadays they have the option to call their “relationship” a marriage. Surely this will end in misery. I mean they don't even get any pre marriage counselling so it should be no surprise when the teens most probably have to go through a protracted divorce when their gaze inevitably turns elsewhere. And then they have the gall to marry someone else in the following week, just with the push of a button before they go to sleep that night, then they wake up the next morning as if their life hasn't altered dramatically at all. 

It is not just the teens who are bringing the sky falling onto their own heads, our whole society will suffocate under the weight of all those dark clouds. Do they seriously think that their marriage doesn't affect us all? You used to have to be of a particular age - It is redefining the laws that hold our society together. These marriages are happening without the blessing of churches, without the blessing of parents and they are being confirmed not by the government but by a global social networking site that exists in a virtual space. How do you even fight this epidemic that is spreading into our homes through the tentacles that cover our land like a web? 

My marriage will never be the same, your marriage will never be the same. We can however turn around before we start down the slippery slope of facebook marriages to pets or family members and before they provide a loving home to those lost facebook sprites. Pull the plug on facebook marriages before it's too late! 


1 comment:

  1. ...just to be clear...that was an attempt at satire
